The Foundation of Our Logo
A small selection of the logo designs which were received For #AntarcticaDay 2016 MAGIC-DML ran a logo competition, inviting people to...

Eating in the Extreme
Part 1: “An army marches on it’s stomach” the famous quote attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte resonates well beyond the military. Nobody...

Meeting in Stockholm, Sweden
The week of October 2-8 was a busy one for the members of MAGIC-DML. It was spent preparing for the upcoming field season and reviewing...

Field Training in Chilly Abisko, Sweden
Spring Training – Arctic style April, 2017 Although it seems like the 2016/17 field expedition to Antarctica only just ended,...

What happened to the rock samples?
Remember those rock samples the team took from nunataks and erratic boulders in Antarctica? They have all arrived in Scotland in 5 blue...

Life at home after 2 months in Antarctica
Previous blogs have covered exactly what we achieved during the 2 months of field work in Antarctica, the challenges faced, and how we...

The Journey Home
Due to weather making us wait over a week for our flight out from Wasa, with very little work to do, we were all ready and eager to come...

The weather dictates all... And it’s rather unpredictable
This morning was an early start after an extremely busy afternoon and late night yesterday. Our flight to Troll had originally been...

Sampling at the edge of the Antarctic Plateau
Learning from our success using both the trucks and snowmobiles to access sites during the fieldwork in Tottanfjella, it was decided to...

To Tottanfjella and back – our second major field excursion
In our first major expedition from Wasa, we visited Milorgfjella, the northeasternmost nunatak in the Heimefrontfjella (pronounced...