Overwintering at SANAE IV
Hi! My name is Will Jelbert. I am one of the team currently overwintering at the South African Antarctic research base SANAE IV. We are a...

Leading a more sustainable life - A response to one of our most asked questions
We are often asked by people ‘what is the best thing I can do to lower my carbon footprint?’ or something along these lines. This blog...

Experience in Karthaus as a student
The Karthaus course was absolutely amazing in many different ways. Every morning we would get on the bus to the nearby village,...

How to get started within polar research?
There are many ways to begin in polar research, or even just to experience polar regions as a medical personnel, engineer, or logistics...

Let's Talk Science: But What About Beryllium and Aluminum?
Last week, we shared with you how we use carbon to help us date the rocks. This week, Dr. Derek Fabel is sharing how we do something...
Let's Talk Science: C-14 Dating
Last week, we mentioned how isotopes are created in quartz. One of these isotopes is carbon-14. We can use carbon-14 to tell how old the...

Let's Talk Science: Why Quartz?
So, last week on Let’s Talk Science we talked about cleaning up our rock samples to so that they become pure quartz. But why quartz? What...

Let's Talk Science: The Quartz Car Wash
Welcome to our blog series, “Let’s Talk Science,” where we break down the science behind our team’s work. With the team back from...

Sarah Sams Takes Over the AGU
In case you missed it: This past week, our very own Sarah Sams was the official #guestgrammer on the American Geophysical Union Instagram...

Living Module Tour: With Your Host, Dr. Robin
Unfortunately, 5-star, luxury hotels are hard to come by in Antarctica. Instead, our team uses Arcs (or living modules) for all their...