Content and Photo credits: Håkan Grudd and Jan-Ola Olofsson, Swedish Polar Research Secretariat
All expedition participants are now gathered at Breakwater Lodge in Cape Town. All our luggage has arrived and everybody is in good spirit. The day was spent doing some supplementary purchases and we had dinner at Harbour House.
Tomorrow, Sunday, we have a meeting at 9 am and then an evening meeting at 7 pm with the Norwegian Polar Institute about the flight on Monday morning. John Guldahl of the Norwegian Polar Institute and Jonathan Millar from Kanoo Shipping will participate.
I talked to Sven Lidström at the Troll research station today and the forecast looks ok for Monday. However, it has been very windy, 35 m/s during the night and wind gusts of over 50 m/s earlier this week. The wind is expected to come back in the middle of next week, so the weather situation is uncertain.
S.A. Agulhas II, the vessel that transports our equipment, left Bouvet Island on 14 December and is on her way south.
Visit http://polarforskningsportalen.se/en/antarctica/expeditions/magic-dml-201718 for additional information provided by the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat!